I also was 14.
I am also a guy, which means I am genetically incapable of remembering any date that is not my birthday.
I was an obedient kid and when I was TOLD that it was time for me to give the next billllllion years to Watc-ovah... or wasr that "Mom-hovah"? Anyway, I did what I was told to do.
In my innermost secret heart-of-my-hearts, I had hoped that there would be some kind of "spiritual experience" associated with baptism, but I was not inclined to hallucinate. ...even NOW, 55 years later! ...I know -- I tried -- nuthin'!
Thus did Nathan - that's ME - first WITNESS the cold, unblinking, uncaring eye of the cosmos.
Fortunately for me, oaths and contracts entered into with imaginary beings are UNENFORCEABLE, so I'm off the hook!
I really do wish I wasn't such a compliant youth, but it would take a panel of psychiatrists to explain how I was conditioned to be a phool.